Have you been sued by a Debt Collector?

KillDebt.com offers the tools and resources you need to take control and fight back. With expert videos, word templates, and effective instructions and show notes, you can confidently protect yourself if you don’t use a defense attorney. Just add your state law and facts to our attorney-tested techniques and take back control.

How to Fight Debt Buyer Lawsuits

Debt buyers must still meet the burden of proof of debt ownership and show the court why you owe a debt to them. KillDebt.com provides step-by-step guides to help you build a strong defense using consumer protection laws, the debt buyer documents, and our videos on how to make your first court appearance. We take the anxiety out of handling your own case. Our videos teach you how to challenge inaccurate chain of titles and manage your legal case effectively using your facts and their bad documents.

Take Control of Your Financial Future

When sued by debt collectors, knowledge is your best defense. Debt collectors hate an educated consumer. KillDebt.com equips you with the resources to fight debt buyer lawsuits with “how to” videos on regaining control of your case with education and skills. Be an educated problem and the debt collector will go away. Take back control and you dictate your future—arm yourself with the right tools and defend your rights today.