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Michigan Court of Appeals Arguments in a Debt Collection Case

Beating Hearsay Evidence in Debt Collection Lawsuits

How To Handle A Judge That Seems Biased Against You

5 FREE Cheat Sheet Hacks to Kill a Debt Collection Lawsuit!

Free PDF Cheat Sheet To Attack Debt Collector Bill Of Sales

Free PDF Cheat Sheet On How To Talk And Appear In Court

FREE Debt Collection Counter Affidavit Cheat Sheet

PDF Check Box To Answer A Debt Collection Lawsuit

The End of the World, Murder and ID Theft

Law School, Don't Do It!

Success of the Law Firm and How I Saved the World

Going To Trial? How To Try A Case (Collection Case)

Intro To Law And Lawyering

Why Judges Do What They Do

Intro To The ABC's Of Collection Defense

How To Amend Your Debt Collection Defense

Welcome To The New Consumer Membership Website

Don't Use to Fight State Collection Lawsuits

Scary Tips And Advice From Solo Suit

Review Of Solo Suits Motion To Compel Arbitration Video
Parker’s SHORTS
Parker’s Debt Collection Q&A’s
Parker’s Law Library
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You get hundreds of dollars of value and content for a small monthly fee with a site and an inventory that is always being updated with new documents and videos. There are tons of templates and research and letters and ideas in forms and motions that are valued way higher than anything we charge. We have done the major hard stuff. You benefit with our current stuff and as we fully stock the pond of legal knowledge every day for you to catch.
Why choose Collection Stopper Solutions?
Each video condenses three decades of legal expertise into 30-50 minutes, supported by extensive research and documentation, ensuring excellent value for your membership. For additional information or specific topics, feel free to reach out. Thank you.
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Please remember that anyone viewing or listening to this information is not forming an attorney client relationship and that we are not practicing law in any state with this membership. This is membership site strictly informational and educational. These videos, podcasts, and templates are not advice to do anything, and an attorney client relationship is not being created or attempted in any way. This information in strictly informational to assist anyone seeking another research tool towards solving whatever problem or issue that brought you to these resources similar to the way you would search for something in “google” as part of your research.
Your purchase or use of our content or forms again, does not create an attorney client relationship. Though Brian Parker is a proud member of the State Bars of Florida and Michigan, this is a source of research and insight into how Brian Parker’s mind operates and how he perceives the practice of law when it is used for the benefit of victims Mr. Parker has represented in the past.
Lastly, purchase what you need knowing it is for general research and that I am not practicing law for you. Use your specific state laws and rules when producing your finished product.
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