Vets, Thank You For Your Military Service, Now Here Is A Lawsuit

Vets, Thank You For Your Military Service, Now Here Is A Lawsuit

Vets, Thank You For Your Military Service, Now Here Is A Lawsuit

Includes Full-Length Instructional Video
For your education on the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), Brian shows you the great Federal and State protections under the SCRA for our military members and spouses when the member is on active duty or with the National Guard within their state of residence. The SCRA is designed to take financial worries off the mind of the servicemember so that he or she can focus on the military task at hand.
Dovetailing on the Class Action Video Brian just did, we see a Class Action based on the state and federal SCRA rules when it is alleged in the pleadings that a Bank advertised that members would receive SCRA protection and interest rate reductions by switching their accounts to the bank but the bank never provided that protection and savings. In fact, the lawsuits states that, in some cases, the bank changed account statements or made misrepresentations on the statements so the service member could not see that the promised interest rate reductions designed to get the member to switch banks, never occurred. See the Attached Class Action Allegations attached to the Video. Hope this is informational and educational. You will see mention of the SCRA in some collection lawsuits and in Motions for Defaults.

Documents included with this video:

  • USAA Lawsuit and Settlement Terms (pdf)



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