Validation Letter

Keysha DuBose asked 4 days ago

Good morning,

Should I sign a validation letter?

2 Answers
Brian Parker Staff answered 3 days ago


Keysha DuBose replied 3 days ago

Yes, seriously. Some people give you the wrong information, and a person from a law firm on YouTube said not to sign a validation letter. I want to do the right thing, and I was told no question is a dum question if you want to do something right!

Brian Parker Staff answered 3 days ago

Yes, sign its a letter and if you have seen my videos, you have to keep the signed letter that you send, certified, return receipt requested. Make them sign it too. I am not sure why anyone would tell you to send a letter unsigned. They technically could ignore you. For example, in FCRA dispute notices, they have a righ to reject your dispute if they believe the letter is improperly sent or mass produced. Signing the letter makes it yours.

Keysha DuBose replied 3 days ago

Got it…thanks