suttell and hammer JPMorgan case

Community Self Defense Q&ACategory: General Commentssuttell and hammer JPMorgan case
Samantha Murphy asked 1 day ago

So I have 2 seperate cases with them, the court filed them both to go to mediation. First one was 12/04 filing and the second one is 12/26. They both have a deadline of 60 day to setup and complete mediation. I send them everytthing from 3 debt validation letters, discovery, request for production of documents. They only send me statments. I got an email from the mediator to set it up 03/05 and then today I recived to motions for extention for 63 day dated 03/06-03/07. Both of these have gone way over the alauded 60 day, and they now are asking for an extention. They stated in the document they request that this matter not be dismissed fro failure to procecute. They have ignored every request ive made, Am i correct in thinking that this could be a motion for dismissal or motion for summary judgement. Maybe you cant answer that for legal reasons, but any direction would be so helpful. The languge in CRCP rule 6 is a bit confusing. And finding concrete information on this topic has been difficult.

Thank you,


1 Answers
Brian Parker Staff answered 23 hours ago

You go in hard with every opening that presents itself. They would not miss an oppurtunity to mess with you.

Samantha Murphy replied 14 hours ago

I’ve been researching my options and exploring strategies regarding my case, particularly regarding a motion for dismissal or potential judgment. While I’m not requesting legal advice, I want to ensure I’m structuring my approach properly and maximizing the impact of my filings.

I understand the importance of procedural accuracy, and I’ve been working on organizing the evidence and legal arguments.

Are there any video you can point me to that would help me refine my approach? I want to ensure I’m following the appropriate framework when drafting my documents., that cover proper layout of a motion for dismissal that aligns with court expectations.

• Procedural steps to ensure clarity and effectiveness when presenting evidence.
• Any resources, court filings, or references that may illustrate best practices for structuring such a motion.

Thank you,