How do I even pose this question to get it answered without asking for legal advice? I understand you cannot give legal advice, but I'm binging on your amazing videos, researching hard and digging deep to find the best possible way for this to all go away as soon as possible. So here it is. I found some info as I came across the word "account" which is mentioned everywhere and it seems there is some serious fraud going on with the securing of the debt with the SEC, i.e., selling it on the secondary market (very interesting) and a host of other things. Just reading these 8-k, 10K and prospectus forms of the bigger companies gives a WAD of information as to what they are really doing. So, have you argued any of these cases pertaining to securitization and what Court is best for this to even bring up? Will it fly in Superior court? If so, is there a video on it on how we can DIY in our Counter Affidaviit?. So is this kick ass or not so much to put into our Affidavit.... alluding to the securitization possiblity? Or maybe make a video on this for us to either use or not to use and why.
Thank you.
How Securitization Works
In securitization, the company or the originator that holds the assets determines which assets to remove from its balance sheets. A bank might do this with mortgages and personal loans it no longer wants to service or raise capital for additional loans.
This gathered group of assets is now considered a reference portfolio. The originator then sells the portfolio to an issuer who **creates tradable securities with a stake in the assets in the portfolio. Investors buy the new securities for a specific rate of return and effectively take the position of the lender.
Securitization: Not Just Off-Balance-Sheet Debt. Receivables securitization is a well-established funding method whereby assets such as trade receivables, credit card receivables, or other financial assets are packaged, underwritten and sold in the capital markets in the form of asset-backed securities.
Not sure what you are asking but most of my creditor videos touch upon this and securitized assets. Chat GPT is good to use on this (law version) just verify any cases they give you.
I asked several questions. Does Civil court/Superior court even recognize “Securitization”. Will the judge throw it out if we start attacking the assets being securitized and attaching 10k and 8k forms as exhibits? Seems everytime I post a question, I then come across a video that speaks to my question…thanks so much, I’m so grateful to all you provide. I just filed my Answer and Counter Aff’d yesterday.
There is no judge that does not want support for the claim or defense you are making. Make sure it lines up and KISS it. Make it easy for them to understand. Make sure you use the securitization and validation letters to help you get good intel. See latest video on latest forms. BPP
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