LVNV Roosen Jackson Walker Signatures

Community Self Defense Q&ACategory: General CommentsLVNV Roosen Jackson Walker Signatures
Andrew Nitchman asked 6 months ago

Hey Brian,

I am working on a Summary Response specific to my case with LVNV. I noticed in your summary response example to (lvnv-summary-response-second-1.docx) you posted snippets of the Jackson Walker and Daniel Picciano signatures in the Motion. If I use those signature snippets, do I also need to create an exhibit for those signatures and if yes, do I need the full "Transfer and Assignment" document from each of those other cases?



1 Answers
Brian Parker Staff answered 6 months ago

I can't provide you legal advice in your state. You will have to use the signatures the way you believe they help your case in a way conforming to your state's civil procedures. Thank you.

Andrew Nitchman replied 6 months ago

Okay, thanks. I will look around and see what I come up with.