I prepared my own Answer and Affidavit and attached it as an example with my information blurred out. It was a Zoom hearing and met with the plaintiff before and she said that since I replied she would ask for a continuance which was granted for about 2 months. There were 12 other cases, all defaults. mine was the only contested. I know it was not a perfect Answer but with the help of the examples here and the videos I think it was pretty good and will see what I get back from the other side. I didn\'t watch or see anything about the \"forward flow\" agreement, \"bill of sale\", \"sale data file\", or \"final data file\" until I started watching the videos for after filing my Answer and Affidavit. Just posting the file for support to show what can be completed on my own.
Great job, thanks for the Vine. I do have older videos on the assignments/data extensions and most debt buyer videos focus on the chain of title with that information in it. Do it all again this week and including discovery requests so you might want to use them for your case. Keep the requests simple, 3-5 requests so if you have to do a motion with the court, it is easy for the judge to see what you seek-also puts your whole defense right in front of the judge and that is good for their education. Stay in touch and thank you for the positive update. BPP
I only did the Securitization and that Jefferson Capital Systems did not show that they own the debt. I forgot to post the court filing. Will do that next. Tried to post all pages but file was too big. This is the Answer form I filed. It was interesting that I was the only contested out of at least 13. Jason
These were my \"Exibits\". Not perfect, could not find the exact flow between the Trusts and Companies in different filings. Part 1
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Thanks Sir, It would have be great to see both examples, this helped me to understand better.