
BRANDON CASPER asked 6 months ago

In my case the Plaintiff has entered into evedence a screen shot of the account and it shows a zero balance ....... there was no bill of sale nor forward flow agreement attached to the case. plus Plaintiff motioned for discovery and so I followed suit and submitted my own discovery questions plus my Answer to the complaint and my affirmation question were never answed by the plaintiff lawyers so I figure that I file a mostion to compel to dismiss and here is what I think woulf work based on Discovery Non-Compliance:

The plaintiff has failed to respond to my discovery interrogatories and affirmative defense questions. This lack of response hinders my ability to adequately prepare my defense and demonstrates a failure on the part of the plaintiff to engage in the discovery process as mandated by law. and violates procedural rules governing discovery, Michigan Court Rules (MCR), particularly MCR 2.301 through MCR 2.313. further supporting dismissal of the case.

The Defendant demands Sanctions for Non-Compliance, by Dismissing actions or rendering judgments by default against the non-compliant party with prejudice.

any thoughts would be a great help

Thanks And Semper Fi

Brian Parker Staff replied 6 months ago

Sounds like you are doing great. Focus on the non compliance, letter to them then a motion to compel pursuant to my video. Don’t stop talking about their failure to follow the rules in front of the judge.

BRANDON CASPER replied 6 months ago

si I was thinking instead of a motion to compel I should submit a motion to dismiss based on all the things I found ie holes in the case ? any thoughts I don’t want the judge to give plaintiff any chance the way I see it if the plaintiff is not prepared that’s their loss