Here Brian provides a few tips on handling Public Student Loan debt collections. While the options are limited with public or government student loans, with the resumption of student loan payments happening after three years in covid forbearance, new servicers and collectors will show up at your door and might try to get more money from you than you owe so that the corporation can make up for the three-year loss of your payments and interest. Brian gives a brief overview of a special validation letter to send and the reasons why it could help you from being ripped off. See the letter on Podcast + in a section titled, Public Student Loan Help. Look also for a credit dispute letter to send if a new company hits your credit without proof, they have a right to pursue you. Again, if the letters they send you have a mini-Miranda warning (“we are debt collectors”) on them and claim to be debt collectors, collecting a debt, use the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to fight back. Good luck.